在申请联邦学生援助时,所有的资助者(学生、父母、继父母、 adoptive parents) 必须 have an FSA ID before you complete the FAFSA Application. For more information, please view the following link:
奖学金是一年的还是有保证的奖学金 for both years at Coahoma?

奖学金一般为期两年(4个学期) 必须保持奖学金政策中规定的注册和GPA要求. 如果满足所有奖学金政策要求,通常可以续签.

根据家庭收入,我可能没有资格获得联邦财政援助. 应该 I apply for 援助 anyway?
是的,不幸的是,许多家庭错误地认为他们没有资格获得财政援助 援助.  经济援助包括佩尔助学金、联邦工作研究和其他助学金.

由于隐私法,财政援助办公室必须确定他们释放的是谁 information to on the student’s behalf. Therefore, we will not discuss any specific financial 援助 amounts over the phone nor via email. Please feel free to visit the 财务援助办公室在校园或安排一个虚拟的预约进一步的援助 with this matter.

是的. 学生必须通过国家批准的ATB(受益能力)考试并成功 完成6个学分或225个学时,适用于提供的学位或证书 by the institution.

可以,如果你是根据预期家庭供款而确定符合资格的话 (EFC) on your FAFSA.  

可以 I receive Federal financial 援助 by taking just any course? 不可以,学生必须申报主修课程,并努力获得学位 in that course of study.

我可以在同一期间在两个不同的机构获得联邦财政援助吗 学期?
学生不能在两个不同的学校获得佩尔助学金或其他联邦财政援助 institutions during the same 学期 (payment period). 学生 can receive Pell 助学金或其他联邦财政援助的机构之一,但将需要 to pay out-of-pocket at the other institution.

可以 I get 援助 for summer school?
如果你还没有用完你在佩尔助学金计划中的全部资格,你 may use it for summer school. Some scholarships, including State Aid scholarships are not available during the summer. Depending on funding, Federal Work Study may not be available during the summer terms. 

可以 my financial 援助 award change?
是的, your award may change if:

  1. 你的家庭经济状况改变了,导致你需要改变.
  2. 你可以获得额外的外部资源,比如私人奖学金, which were not listed on your award notification.
  3. You provided incorrect data on your FAFSA. 
  4. You do not maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid.
  5. You are suspended by the College (academic or discipline reason).
  6. You do not enroll for the required number of hours to receive 援助.

Do I have to apply for Federal financial 援助 every year? 是的, all students must apply for Federal financial 援助 every year. The Federal financial 科荷马大学的学年分为秋季学期、春季学期和夏季学期.  如果你在秋季和春季学期使用了所有的联邦财政援助, 除了全年佩尔外,夏天将没有任何援助.

Do I need a certain grade point average to receive financial 援助?
是的, you must comply with Coahoma’s Financial Aid 政策 on Satisfactory Academic Progress. 

Do I have to be full-time to receive institutional or state 援助?
是的,某些类型的援助,如奖学金和州助学金,要求你 be a full-time student (15 hours or more). If you drop below full-time during the 学期, you forfeit your scholarship for the next 学期.

I’m in default because of a previous student loan. 可以 I receive Federal financial 援助?
No, unless you have made “restitution.”  Your lender must send you a letter stating that you are in satisfactory repayment on your defaulted loan.  Present the letter 到财政援助办公室,你可能有资格获得额外的财政援助 援助.

如果我已经获得了学士学位,我可以获得额外的联邦财政资助吗 援助?
You are not eligible for Federal Pell grants. 

I have an associate’s degree. 可以 I receive Federal financial 援助 at Coahoma to study in another major? 是的,你可以获得最多96个学时或150%的经济援助 of your program hours. (Review the Coahoma’s Financial Aid 政策 on Satisfactory Academic Progress.)

是的,如果你在经济援助试用期,你可以收到所有类型的经济援助 援助; however, you cannot receive any type of financial 援助, if you are on financial 援助 suspension.

助学金留校察看和停学与学习留校察看和停学是一样的吗? 不,你可能被暂停经济援助,但仍然可以自费上大学.

What expenses can I expect my financial 援助 to cover? 根据你的经济援助奖励,它可能包括以下全部或部分内容: 学费,食宿费,膳食计划,书籍和用品,一些交通费, personal, school, miscellaneous expenses.

你的预期家庭供款(EFC)是在你申请资助的每一年计算的 using a national processing formula called the Federal Methodology. The formula considers 你父母的收入和资产,你的家庭规模,家庭人数 members enrolled in college. The EFC will be the same at any college you attend.

How is my “financial need” determined?
联邦处理器决定了你个人家庭的贡献能力 使用您提供的信息的教育费用(“预期家庭贡献”) on the FAFSA and a formula called “Federal methodology."

我打算在申请助学金的学年结婚. 可以 I fill out my FAFSA as “married”?

如果我的父母离婚或分居,谁的财务数据应该使用的时候 I’m completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
如果你的亲生父母分居或离婚了,使用与他们在一起的亲生父母 you lived the most in the past 12 months. If you lived with neither parent, or lived 父母双方都有相同的天数,使用提供最多经济支持的父母 support to you over the past 12 months. If that parent has remarried, you must also 在申请表上包括继父母的财务信息,以及父母和 step-parent should report themselves as married on the FAFSA.

What if I have unusual circumstances?
如果您或您的家人有下列情况,请与您的 经济援助顾问立即查看这是否会影响你的经济援助申请.

  1. Divorce of parents, or you from your spouse
  2. Death of a major wage earner
  3. Loss of employment of a major wage earner
  4. 丧失其他收入或福利(如社会保障或子女抚养费)

如果我过度缺席,完全退出, or get purged from school?
在退学之前咨询一下你的经济援助顾问.  If you are 过度旷课,离校,或者在成绩达到60%之前被学校开除 学期, your 援助 may decrease or be eliminated altogether.